spyyyder - the power of the link
A very tiny tool for getting to grips with a website.
Perfect schedules are a mirage
I'm not sure the pay-off is there to hyper-optimize worker schedules.
Giving SourceTree access to your org on GitHub
How to grant SourceTree access to GitHub repos that belong to organizations.
Building Runtime in 3 weeks with $100 of GPT-4
With the help of GPT-4 and a bit of patience, I built Runtime, a small web-app that makes it easy to template prompts that you'd normally be copy-pasting into ChatGPT.
Accidentally on purpose
When you are making a movie, you want to feel like you can take it in any direction, you can experiment. As long as it in the end feels like this is what it's meant to be and has some authority. – Wes Anderson
Break things to change things
When a natural disaster destroys a city, we don't rebuild a carbon-copy. We rebuild the things we need, and there's space for new things to fill the gaps.
Information you can use is better than data that you don't
Perfect is the enemy of good.
Individual praise is a team opportunity
Give deep praise, and give it context. Praise is more impactful when people can also understand why the subject of the praise is important.
Productized Podcast appearance
Chatting with André from the Productized Podcast about moving from UX to Product Management, and building AI products.
Sketch symbol best practices (now that nested overrides are a thing)
Best practices for designing high quality reusable symbols in Sketch.